Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sprng Break: Brussels

I apologize for this EXTREMELY delayed post but I have been very busy. I also understand that no one can see the pictures that I put up? Ill try to work on that asap...
SOOOO for spring break my 3 other roommates and I decided to do a little tour of continental Europe. Our first stop was in Brussels, Belgium. We woke up very early to get to the train station by 7 am. We were very very tired and it was a bit of a struggle to get there, especially since the tube doesn't start running regularly until later in the day but we got there and checked in successfully. We had some food and saw a group of men 7 am...we were a bit confused but maybe it was the start of some bachelor party or something. The train ride was around 3 hours from London to Brussels, and we slept the whole way...I was a little sad about that since Im sure it was very scenic but it was very early. We get to Brussels and we meet up with one of Erin's friends from home. She has no one to travel with over her spring break while studying in Rome, so she tagged along with us for the week. The first thing we did of course was get lost, then we walked around the city and found a waffle stand. I got a Belgium waffle with Belgium chocolate and it was the best thing I have ever tasted. Then we decoded to go see the only thing that Brussels is famous for, besides being the headquarters for the European Union, and that is the Mannekin Pis. Its a statue that is also a water fountain of a little boy peeing. It sounded very funny and we thought it would be nice to see..and we were seeing chocolate molds in shop windows of the statues and they were adorable. We get to the statues and we almost walked right past it because it was so small...we just stood there thinking we were on candid camera because we had heard all these stories about how the towns people dress him up for special occasions and how much they love him. Well the entire statues is in the corner of two buildings and hes probably the size of my head. It was very disappointing but we took some pictures and decided to keep going.
There is also a square in Brussels called the Grand Place and it was in fact very grand. It was a lot of gold plated buildings all very ornate and beautiful, we walked around there for a while but started to get cold so we stopped in a pub for a drink before we decided to get back to the train station to catch a train to the oh so lovely Amsterdam. The train station however was a nightmare, but after many platform switches, a few delayed trains and seeing some drunk people puke we finally caught a train out of Brussels around 10 pm.

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